I was named the Senior of the Month for November at my school. =)
Essentially, that means I was the highest-performing Senior at my school for this past month. It was a pleasant surprise but a welcome one, I assure you. There was a luncheon at one of the local restaurants for the Seniors who received that award from the other schools in the region. All of the Seniors were introduced and then given time to talk about their achievements and plans. This is more or less what I said...
I told the people that I never really participated in extracurricular activities, unlike everyone else who had quite a list, because I'm more needed at home due to the fact that the adults work most of the time. I admitted that I had my share of bad times and I knew that everyone could relate to that. I told everyone that if you keep working at something, then you can accomplish it. I also sort of quoted Mighty B! and said "It's not about what other people think about you or maintaining a flawless record, it's about being the best you can be." Afterwards, I thanked all the people for their support and for coming there. The room applauded and I took a seat.
Afterwards, my mom told us that the whole room practically went silent as I was talking and one of the people even complimented my speech afterwards. Despite looking the least impressive at first glance, my mom and sister felt that I practically crushed everyone else with my speech. =D
So yeah, it was a great moment for me.