FZeroBoyo / Member

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A New Beginning

Excuse the cliched title.

So now, I am at college, in my dorm to be exact. To answer a question asked by jegolas1973, I am attending Arizona State University, the Polytechnic Campus in Mesa, AZ. It's about five hours of straight driving from where I live.It was sad to say bye to my parents, brothers, and sister but I won't let it bother me. After all, it seems that I'll be seeing them every other week for one reason or another, so we'll keep in touch quite often. As for the dorm, I've met the other guys who share the living space and they're all quite nice fellows.

Classes start on Thursday and there are several mandatory gatherings tomorrow but after that, I'll have plenty of free time. So I aim to write some stories on the scripts thread, think of interesting editorials to read, and just contribute more. I want to do this because my dad told me that soon, I'll be too busy to be homesick so I'll hang on his words.

And lastly, as a dorm warming gift to myself, I bought the entire first season of Mighty B!from iTunes earlier. Twenty episodes, seven gigabytes, for about fifteen bucks, which is a steal. And the best part is, the whole damn thing downloaded in about forty-five minutes. Praise this blazing fast Internet connection. =D

With that, enjoy your evening. I shan't keep you waiting too long for updates.

Cody -FZeroBoyo-