FZeroBoyo / Member

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Almost Somewhat Kinda Nearly There...

Hey all.

As the obnoxious title implies, I'm just about done with my finals in school. So far, here's how each one went:

Piano - nailed the song just about perfectly and got an A+ for it. =)

CP English IV - we got the project in on time and made it look respectable. We'll find out how we did soon enough. =)

Algebra III - out of 46 points on the exam, I only missed one. That's most likely an A+. =D

Physics - finished this one today and I'll learn how I did tomorrow. I also got a load of bonus points on it. =D

NSL Government - soared through the exam and my grade in the class is a 99. =D

Spanish II - completed the exam but still have a few assignments to turn in tomorrow... They're easy though. =)

Pre-Calculus - I turned in the exam and I got a B, which is respectible. I checked my grade for the semester, and it is a 90. =D

Just one more day and I'm free for two weeks. I'm planning on doing something tomorrow at school and I may tell you guys about it. If I decide to go through with it, I mean. =)

Until next time...