FZeroBoyo / Member

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Blog on a Sunday Night

So I've kept the streak going for seven days. Huzzah!

Today was relatively unproductive, save for a few assignments but more on those in a minute. I took the shuttle down to the Santan Village mall earlier today and I checked out the bookstore and just perused the shelves of the area Best Buy. It was quite fun to look at everything and go "I can buy that; I can afford that." It makes one feel better about money.

After that, I came back to my dorm and fell asleep for about an hour and a half. I had this peculiar dream as well: I was seemingly in a different country though I don't remember where. I just remember it was very busy and I was in a crowded house. Just as things got really lifelike, I woke up. Then I worked on the projects due tonight: my final draft of an essay and a few readings.

After that, I played more Punch-Out!! and perused Amazon.com again looking for things I want and getting myself to feel good about money. Now as we begin a new week, I'd like to share a quote with you, partially because I have no questions this time around...

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success."

I read that in a book called "The Power". You should check it out if you get the chance. =)

With that, I bid you a fantastic week. Say to yourself in the mirror "I am" statements to boost your own morale. =D
