I suppose I should explain what I mean by the title right away, hm?
Well, this is what happened: roughly half of my family didn't come up with their gift count (yours truly included) that we intended for Christmas and my dad decided that we open our gifts until sometime this week before my brother flies back out to Maryland. Initially, we were pretty unexcited about the news but I figure that I get to keep the Christmas feeling for a little while longer. We still had a dinner on Christmas (mmm, turkey) and went to visit some of my aunts and uncles yesterday, however. When we do open our Christmas gifts, I will more then likely tell you guys about it.
My birthday was last Wednesday and it went well. My brother and I played Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III and it was a blast, which it always was. We went to town, bought some stuff, and had a delicious lunch (my choice, of course). We watched a humorous video, played Beatles: Rock Band, ate dinner, and then the gifts. I got two things: a wrist watch, which is cool because it's just what I needed after my previous watch went out about a month ago. The other gift was a new iPod Nano. =D Yeah, now that I have more space, I intend to get some Mighty B! episodes from iTunes. Along with that, I got a combined total of fifty dollars from the family, so I thought it went well. =)
And in case you haven't heard, Nick's starting off the year right next Saturday with new episodes of SpongeBob, Barnyard, Mighty B! (AWESOME!), Fanboy & Chum Chum, and Penguins. The fact that the announcer called them Nick's biggest stars warms my heart.
Until next time...