FZeroBoyo / Member

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Happy Easter

Yes, I hope you all have a good Easter regardless of what you do to spend it. =)

I also want to send out a belated anniversary wish to Danny Phantom, which is now 6 years old. You're still one of the top Nicktoons to me. =D

I spent the entire morning today watching Disney XD and playing Pokemon HeartGold. Along with watching Jimmy Two-Shoes, Kid vs. Kat, and Kick Buttowski, I raised all my Pokemon a few levels and beat the Elite Four. =D

My team right now is of:

Typhlosion Lv. 54
Pidgeot Lv. 52
Ampharos Lv. 52
Sudowoodo Lv. 52
Slowbro Lv. 52
Snorlax Lv. 50

Now...to collect the Kanto badges! =D