Well, I haven't been on that much lately. I thought that some of you were wondering what happened to me. Rest assured I am well but I've been busy with other things.
School is going well. I'm keeping up with work and I understand a lot of the assignments well ahead of some others. I don't mind helping out people who need it, though.
Here's something interesting and a bit confusing. My sister and I were walking around in Walmart last Saturday and we passed by the area in the Electronics section where they have the game consoles set up for people to try out the games on display. On the Wii stand, the game was New Super Mario Bros. Wii. We saw a teenage girl looking at the game and playing, or rather, trying to play it. After several seconds, she walked away saying "It's too hard. I don't get this." My sister and I looked at each other, baffled, and asked "How can you not get Mario?" Are concepts from twenty years ago too simple for today's generation? I have plenty of experience, courtesy of my brothers, so my sister and I both know about it. It was something that I thought was funny.
And then I scratched off one of the numbers on a Wii Points card we got and we spent about ten minutes trying to figure it out.
That's basically it. See you next time. =)