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My Favorites of 2009

What a year 2009 was. Whether you enjoyed it or not, the year brought about many new opportunities for us. So I decided to close the year with my reflection of the past year. I've compiled this list of movies, cartoons (because that's what I primarily watch), and video games to reflect on the fun I had this past year. Note that not all of these came out in 2009 but that I played or saw this year.

5. Slumdog Millionaire - This movie came out last year but I only recently watched it as a way of capping off a research project in English. The movie had great acting, a gripping and emotional story, and was really entertaining.

4. Paul Blart: Mall Cop - This movie was another one I only recently watched. Critics may not have loved it a whole lot but a lot of slapstick (which I'm a sucker for) helped to propell this movie to a respectable spot on my list.

3. Ghostbusters - Yes, this movie is over twenty years old but I only recently watched it. (Shows you I'm not a movie junkie.) This movie holds up well even today with great writing, action, and one of the best theme songs ever.

2. Coraline - One of the best animated films not only in recent history, but that I've ever seen. The animation was great, the action was impressive, and the entire movie is just an amazing experience that you must see for yourself.

1. Star Trek - A lot of things blowing up, some good writing, and a plot that someone who was previously unfamiliar with the series can understand make this my favorite movie of 2009. If you haven't yet, then do whatever necessary to see this movie.

5. Phineas & Ferb (Disney Channel) - This show has a lot of lighthearted entertainment and really captures the feeling of imagination that is seen in many kids. The overabundance of songs and the general repetitive nature can be a detractor at times, however.

4. The Penguins of Madagascar (Nickelodeon) - As stated before (I think), I never got around to watching the Madagascar movies. In spite of that, some great characters, plots, and humor give this show a respectable spot on this list.

3. Fanboy & Chum Chum (Nickelodeon) - The show is new and I thought it was decent at first. A couple of episodes later, I found that it can actually be very entertaining. If you want all the details, check out my written review in my Gallery.

2. Jimmy Two-Shoes (Disney XD) - Sure, not many people get Disney XD and I'm one of those who do. This show gets such a high spot because it's delivered some of the biggest laughs I've had all year.

1. The Mighty B! (Nickelodeon) - As far as I know, the B keeps getting better. The first season ended spectacularly and the second season is faring well. All we need is some merchandise and I will be a very happy guy.

Video Games:
10. MadWorld (Wii) - A combination of graphic novel-esque graphics and brutal violence make this one of the most memorable games I've played. If you're of age and not squeamish, then you should definitely check this game out.

9. LiT (WiiWare) - A horror/puzzle game that came out earlier this year, this game was challenging and frightening at times. Sure, things are left unexplained but if you get past that, you can find a game that is worth eight dollars and some of your time here.

8. Klonoa (Wii) - Sure, this game is a remake of a PlayStation game but the wonderful graphics, great gameplay, and moving story make this one of the best platformers in recent history. The fact that the game is a mere thirty dollars also make it a great buy.

7. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wii) - It may be yet another mini-game compilation but Mario and Sonic's second Wii outing is filled with good times. Also, you gotta love all the nostalga put into the game.

6. Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii) - The game may be heavy on waggle and repetitive at times but the presentation values and soundtrack both make this a good package.

5. Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop (Wii) - A port of a game that was on the XBox 360, this game has a load of zombie-filled action. The fact that the game runs off of the Resident Evil 4 engine makes this another good game from Capcom. (Speaking of RE4...)

4. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii) - The game is a port of a GameCube game from several years back but it's still a blast to play. Loads of weapons, a great atmosphere, the satisfaction of blasting through hordes of not-zombies, and a price tag of a mere twenty dollars make this game a must-buy.

3. Punch-Out!! (Wii) - One can argue that it's simply the NES game with prettier graphics but that isn't a bad thing. It's one of the most challenging Wii games in recent history and the game controls as well as the first game. Combine that with great characters of varied backgrounds and you've got a winner.

2. Sonic Unleashed (Wii) - The gameplay is a combination of fast and frantic during the day stages and a slower, combat-heavy action at night. Combine with amazing production values and a great soundtrack and you have the best Sonic game in recent history.

1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) - The game is just plain fun and challenging from start to finish. As good as the game is on single-player, there's even more fun to be had in the multiplayer mode.

There you have it. With all of this fun I had in 2009, I'm left to wonder if 2010 will be better. With many events like graduation in sight, it certainly is shaping up that way.

Unti next time...