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My Top Video Games of 2010

Yes, this is the last of my top 10 lists for this year. Here, we have the list of my favorite video games that I played in the past year.

10. Mega Man 10 (WiiWare)

I only got into Mega Man this year, and I was very impressed with what I found. The games are fast-paced, challenging, and extremely satisfying to play through. Combine all that with an awesome soundtrack and you have a winner.

9. Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (Wii)

Capcom's fabled Vs. Series revival did not disappoint. The classic gameplay from games such as Marvel vs. Capcom were intact and as enjoyable as ever. Even if the half of the roster is unknown to most of us Westerners, the tight, yet easy-to-learn, controls give this one a lot of replay value.

8. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle (Wii)

The even more M-rated sequel to one of my favorite Wii titles passed its predecessor in every possible way. More action, a great style, and good replay value helped to solidify its place in my list.

7. Trauma Team (Wii)

One of my biggest surprises from the past year. Trauma Team delivered a combination of engaging gameplay, a gripping plot, and some great sound work to create one of the most pleasant surprises you will find on Nintendo's little white console.

6. Resident Evil 5 (360)

Despite what most critics say, I found this title to be as enjoyable as number 4 was, if not more so. The also engaging gameplay combined with gorgeous graphics and nice sound work made this one an easy recommendation for action fans.

5. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (DS)

Layton did not disappoint in his third outing. In addition to dozens of clever puzzles, we had the trademark hand drawn style with one of the best plots I've seen in a game. From the thrilling beginning to the tearjerker ending, I never found myself bored with the story.

4. Super Street Fighter IV (360)

Not just my favorite fighting title from this year, but one of my favorite fighting games from this generation. Capcom showed us why their franchise has been alive for two decades with tight controls and some very nice sound work. Combine that with loads of replay value and a discounted price tag and this is a very easy recommendation.

3. Okami (Wii)

Another game that was recommended to me, this is hands-down one of my favorite games from this year and of all time. The Zelda-style gameplay mixed with a wonderful watercolor look for the game and some excellent music makes this one a must-play for adventure fans.

2. Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver Versions (DS)

The Pokemon formula is as addictive and fun as ever with the latest pair of DS titles. Reviving what is arguably the best generation of games and improving upon them in every category makes this one of the most appealing and long-lasting titles you will find on the DS, or anywhere.

1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

Was there any doubt this would take my number 1? Everything about the game, the crisp, colorful graphics, the masterful platforming action, and one of the greatest soundtracks in recent memory all come together in this package. It's not a stretch to see why some have dubbed Super Mario Galaxy 2 the pinnacle of 3-D platformers.

So there you have it. All of my favorites from 2010 in 3 lists. I will leave my conclusion for the year, along with some resolutions, for one last journal entry tomorrow.