FZeroBoyo / Member

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New Monday Blog/The Random Game Part Four

It is Monday today! Such a surprising show of enthusiasm, hm? Well, it is the start of a new week, so let's get through it in one piece. =)

So today I had two classes. The first was precalculus, and we just took down a few notes and did some exercises. An assignment was due and I turned it in, having little problems finishing it. The online portion of the work is due tomorrow but I've already finished that, so yay for me. =D

Then in the afternoon was engineering, we constructed the main program that will run our autonomous vehicles and then spent a few minutes reviewing for the quiz that we will have on Wednesday. I'll let you know how that goes but I'm confident I'll do well. =D

So... Onto the next part of the Random Game!

If you picked A... This would have happened.

"Well, let's go turn it in then." said Bessie, shrugging her shoulders. Both of you head towards the police station. Just as you're about to get there, the same car pulls up alongside the curb and two men in suits come out. Before you can identify them, both men have grabbed you and Bessie and hauled you into the car. You two scream and yell out, but it is of little help as the car doors slam and you are pulled off to an uncertain fate...

...Suspenseful, I know, but not the path I wanted to take here. So if you picked B...

Both of you agree to head to the address on the mask's tag and so you walk over to a nearby bus stop and get on the bus there. As you pass by the police station, you notice a black car progressing slowly up the street. "That's where that strange man was..." You recalled, looking at Bessie cautiously. After a half-hour of travelling, you arrive outside a large plant that looks to be a factory. The gates are locked and you see a control panel on it. You walk towards it, but Bessie tugs on your arm. "Look, that gate over there is pretty low. I think we can climb over it." You think about it, so you can either ring the gate bell or scale the fence... Which would YOU do?

A. Ring the gate bell.

B. Scale the fence.

So there you have it. Check back in tomorrow for another part. =D
