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Saturday Night Blog/The Random Game Part Two

Hey everyone, what's goin' on?

So it was Saturday today, so I trust that everyone reading this had a nice uneventful day. I finished all my homework yesterday, save for a bit of my assignment for precalculus that's due on Monday, so I did mostly laze around today. So it was mostly Internet browsing and video games for me today. =D

I really don't have a lot to report on, so let's just get to the next part of the Random Game.

Now, I gave you a choice of A and B last time. This is what happens with each choice...

B. You shrug it off and just head home. Nothing else happens.

...Yeah, not the most adventurous circumstances, so that wasn't the correct choice.

Now if you picked A....

You decide to follow the suspicious man down the street. As he turns a street corner, you hide behind a brick wall and peek down the street. You see him stand next to a wooden bench as a black car pulls to a stop a few feet from his position. You notice that there are two men inside, and both of them look eerily similar to the man on the street. As he opens the door and gets in, you duck down behind a trash can as the car speeds away. Just then, you hear footsteps coming from behind you. You think about running away, or you can turn and confront whoever is behind you. Which would YOU do?

A. Turn around.

B. Run away.

So for the first part, MightyBFan25 gets 1 point. =D So come on, don't be shy to enter an answer in or tell others to come and play. I got an idea for this thing and I'd like people to get involved.

Also my last note, I figure I might do something special soon for my 100th blog post and also for Halloween so keep an eye out.

With that, I shall talk to you later...
