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Spring Break III: Pokemon HeartGold

Yes, indeed. I got Pokemon HeartGold version for the DS courtesy of my brother. It's a reward for doing so well in school and I daresay I deserve it.

Right now, I have a Lv. 16 Quilava, a Lv. 14 Pidgey, a Lv. 11 Mareep, and a Pokemon Egg. I have one badge and I'm loving every minute of the game. =D

The weather's nice so I might go walking later today. Then I'll come right back and continue playing Pokemon.

Also, I've done reviews of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Instead of posting the lengthy reviews here, I'm posting them on GameFAQs and you can look at them if you wish. I put them up with this same account so look for FZeroBoyo as the author, alright?

With that... I leave you to your thoughts.