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The 2nd Monday Blog

Yes, I've possibly found an easy solution to titles. =)

So it was Monday today, some might say the "favorite" day of everyone with sarcasm. Yet mine was quite pleasant, dare I say wonderful. In the morning, I got up and pulled up my little "quote-a-day" calendar thing I got the other day and read what it had to say for today. To paraphrase, it said that these are the two most powerful words in existence, they can bring all the joy and abundance to you: THANK YOU. So say it often and see what happens. =D

I watched "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" for the first time in nearly a year thanks to Netflix and I played Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story at the same time. It sounds weird, but I tend to play my DS when a movie requires only a fraction of my attention. In that sense, it seems that playing my DS is easier than any other system. Anyway, the movie was good and I made progress in the game so it was win-win.

Then I had precalculus and we had a quiz. Yeah, pop quiz on a Monday in your first class is every student's nightmare, no? Thankfully, I was prepared and found the quiz very easy. We took down some new notes and I've an assignment due on Wednesday. It was a nice class.

Then I was back in my dorm until my engineering class and it was during this time that I received amazing news. One of my friends from Twitter and deviantART, her name's Adriana, applied for this college work program some time ago and she told me that she had been accepted into it. I was so happy that I was bouncing off the walls. I didn't do it because of hearing that being happy for others' success will bring it to you, but because I was genuinely happy for her. So I believe next spring, she will be working at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. It boggles the mind. =D

Then I had my engineering class and after reading the news, I was smiling all throughout class even though our group was giving a brief presentation of the model autonomous vehicle that we are building. I knew what I was going to say and my instructor felt I gave a good presentation and we're on track. I even got out of class 40 minutes early!

After that, I had dinner and then returned to my dorm to watch "Bee Movie", which I also got from Netflix. Again, I played M&L while watching it and again, I had fun and made progress. So I can say that today was a great day for me. Everyday can be, remember that. ;D

With that, I'll end the journal now since I don't have any questions. Expect a start-up for my "Random Game" any day now.

