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The Blog of Thursday

Oh hey, it's a little later than usual, but that's not stopping me from making this. =D

So today was a good day. Let me just say right now: every chance you get, say to yourself "Today is a good day." It will help boost your spirits and will prepare you for the day.

So this morning I had physics in the classroom and we took down notes on a lecture about electric currents and circuits and other things of the like. We have a test/assignment that is due tomorrow night and I am confident I'll get a 100 on it as I have for every other assignment to date in that class. =D

For lunch time, my dad and brother were in town today for a meeting over the past several days and we ate lunch and then went to Target where I got some snacks to last the next few weeks. It was still kinda sad to see them leave, but not as so much as the first time about two months ago. In fact, it reminded me of what was said by... a young, yet extremely bright person:

"Sometimes waiting to be scared is worse than the scare itself."

I'm sure you know who said that. ;)

This afternoon I had physics lab and I turned in my lab report and found out I got an 86 on a previous lab, which is totally awesome. The lab was about founding the static magnetism between strips of tape and calculating and forming a graph from the voltage of a particular paper. We gathered some good results and I thought that it was a smooth experiment.

I got back a couple of hours ago and I watched my fourth movie for this week: Monsters vs. Aliens. I quite enjoyed and like every other movie this week, I really recommend you check it out if you haven't already. =)

And now, I got some questions! Like I said, send them in if you haven't. It makes these more fun to read, and that benefits you. So all three of these were submitted by MightyBFan25. She asks...

1. Will any of the questions in your Random Game involve Bakugan or The Mighty B!?

I haven't given much thought to either of those, but Mighty B! related questions seem plausible. Not so much for Bakugan as I'm relatively unfamiliar with that franchise, so sorry Alicia. I'll let you trash my place at my next blog party for that. =P

2. What the hell's Portia up to on the Roleplay forum?!

Yeah well, I'm really just making this up as I go along. I mean, it seems we're all like that. All of us being inserted into the plot, meteors and satellite lasers blowing everything up, Hal being killed like six times. When we got to all the Boston stuff appearing in San Francisco, I just wondered what would happen if I plunged Portia into unknown territory, well at least unknown to her. So sorry Alicia; you're not the only nerd in that roleplay now. Least not until someone gets Portia out of it. =P

3. If zombies were destroying the world and you had a plane and could go to an island where you would be safe but could only take one thing with you, what would it be and why?

Hm... That is a hard question. Off the top of my head, I would say my DSi XL because it lasts for up to 17 hours on one charge and I would sneak my Pokemon HeartGold game in it cuz that's how I would pass the time until the zombieapocalypse ends or I get hungry and do stuff to survive. =P

So that's all I've got to say for now. Tune in again tomorrow. =D
