FZeroBoyo / Member

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The Deepest Blog Ever

I am sitting here, in my room, on a Tuesday evening. I am writing this blog.

You are reading it.



Just kidding, I wouldn't throw you off like that. :P

So yeah, it didn't take me another month to update this thing. You can put your fish clubs away (for now, at least...).

1. To start things off, I got Pokemon Black last month and have put in about 70 hours. The game is really well made and at the moment, I have obtained 139 Pokemon, leaving me with only 11 to go before I complete the first Pokedex. Then I have to catch another 500 or so to complete the rest of it. I'm sure that'll keep me busy for the rest of the year.

2. I got a shiny Nintendo 3DS a while back. The hoohah about it is that you can play games in 3D on it without the need for 3D glasses, which is pretty neat. The effect is there and looks great, but as everyone says, you have to see it to believe it. Take that however you want. Street Fighter and Pilotwings were both good games to pick up at launch, but I'm very excited for Star Fox and Zelda coming later down the road.

3. I'm down to just two weeks of class, then finals, and then I'm headed home for the summer. I plan to work so I can gain some extra money to help out my family and to buy some awesome stuff down the line. I do want to be on more often as well, I feel like I've grown apart from some of you...

4. I want to get back into writing my little Mighty B! scripts, along with the ones I contribute to on the forums. Certainly have some ideas right now.

And one last thing, because I can... I will be answering questions that you ask. The only criteria is that they not be too personal, 'kay?

With that, I will talk to you later...
