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The Super Bowl/Game Related Dream/Mega Man 9 Review

Well, the Super Bowl was yesterday and I've read reports that it surpassed the finale of M-A-S-H as the most watched program in history. Good job, NFL. =D

I haven't posted a blog in several days because I had a glitch that had a problem with my blog titles and I've only recently got to post one.

Now onto the dream I had on Saturday night. I didn't come on at all that day because I spent the entire afternoon and evening playing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. After marathoning and finishing the game, I went to bed and had a pretty intense dream. Me and some of my friends were running around trying to get a lot of things and finish some stuff because the world was going to end in a few hours. You might find that frightening but that's what happens in Majora's Mask. You only have 72 in-game hours (that's less than an hour in real time) to complete tasks before the world ends and so does your game. The sky was red and we were running as fast as we could. The ground was shaking and people were panicking. I woke up and told my sister about the dream and she thought it was intense as well.

Then I played through the entire game again on Sunday. It was awesome. =D

...Now that I think you can't see this part from the preview anymore...

The Saints are the 2010 Super Bowl Champions! Whoo-hoo! =D

Now onto the review. =D


Mega Man 9

Original Release Date: September 22, 2008 on WiiWare, September 25, 2008 on PlayStation Network, October 1, 2008 on Xbox Live Arcade

Mega Man 9 is a WiiWare title and a sequel to the original Mega Man games on the NES through the SNES to the Sega Saturn. Unlike a lot of other spin-offs and 3-D sequels, the game is in the same form as an NES game. The graphics to the sounds to the gameplay are all like something from the 80's. Just so you know now, the Mega Man games I've played extensively are Mega Mans 1 and 2 but I have played Mega Mans 3 through 6, just not as much.

The story begins with robots all over the world suddenly going crazy. The main suspect to longtime fans should be Dr. Wily but he's apparently a "changed man" and he claims that the real culprit is Dr. Light. The police arrest Dr. Light and it's up to Mega Man to deal with the erratic robot masters and learn the truth behind their malfunctions.

The gameplay should be instantly recognizable to anyone who played the original NES game as it's exactly the same. Move left or right, climb ladders, A jumps, B shoots, fight to the end of the level to an encounter with one of the eight robot masters. When you defeat one of the robot masters, you get to take their weapon and use it in the other levels. Depending on which weapons you have, you can make the fight against the robot master either harder or easier.

The game is challenging just like an NES game but never too difficult to where you're not going to want to play anymore. The enemies are persistent and the spikes will be the end of you instantly if you touch them along with falling into a pit. Power-Ups like energy and extra lives are rather difficult to come by but can be bought at the lab with screws you obtain in each level. You can also buy energy tanks and shields against the level elements.

The graphics and sounds are pure 8-bit and they're flat-out awesome. The backgrounds are often one color but the enemies and animations look great. The music proves that Capcom really knew what they were doing back then. All of the tracks sound great even if they're just done with the NES capabilities.

To extend the life of the title, Capcom included a handful of Downloadable Content. They range from alternate costumes to a bonus level. Most of the downloads are under 300 Wii Points but options like harder difficulties really should've been unlockable extras. I don't see the point in paying to make a game harder but that's just me.

In the end, Mega Man 9 is a very well made title. Fans of old-school games along with people looking for a good action game will definitely get their fix here. It costs 1,000 Wii Points and that's a fair price for the title.

Graphics: 8.5 - The sprites and animations are nostalgic and look great.
Sound: 9.0 - It's one of the most head-bang worthy soundtracks I've ever heard.
Gameplay: 8.5 - It's challenging, action-packed, and rather addictive. A nice little combination.
Appeal: 8.0 - The game should be a no-brainer for fans but some younger gamers might not like the rather high difficulty.

Final Score: 8.5 - Great. Even if you're not familiar with the Mega Man games, I definitely recommend this game, so download it now.


That's pretty much it. Here is your picture for the blog. (You'll have to go to deviantART to view it. It won't let me post pictures here...)


Until next time. Hasta luego. =D