FZeroBoyo / Member

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The Third Tuesday Blog/The Random Game Part Five

Hey there. It's a little later than usual but I'm still able to get this up on Tuesday night here. =D

So it was a typical Tuesday: I had physics lecture this morning in which we went over the material that will be on the test on Thursday, most of which I know and so I'm confident that I will succeed. In the afternoon was my last class of ASU101 for the semester, as we summed up what we knew and we even got candy. It was a nice send-off. =D

Other than that, I've been sleeping and finishing off my homework. I've done it all, just so you know. ;)

And now... Onto the next part of the Random Game.

If you picked B... This would've happened.

"Okay, let's break in." You shrug your shoulders and follow Bessie a few yards away. You both climb the fence and are able to get over it. Before you can turn around, however, you find yourselves surrounded by many identical, mysterious men. They pick you up and throw you back out onto the street. Your faces are marked and banned from the premises.

So... That was not the correct choice. Now if you picked A...

Bessie crosses her arms as you ring the bell. A voice answers through a speaker, "Yes, may I help you?" "Yeah, I have a mask here. I'm wondering if it belongs to you." You say into the speaker, and there is a moment of silence. The person didn't utter another word but the gate opened and you two looked at each other before walking in. It was a factory that was mass-producing Halloween products, from costumes to masks to home decor. The manager, a man named Mr. Adler, asks what you two are doing there. He seems surprised and seemingly unnerved when you explain to him that a mask from his company was found. "...Would you two like a tour of the factory?" He suddenly offered, an air of suspicion in his voice. You both look at each other. What would YOU do?

A. Take the tour.

B. Leave immediately.

...A little half-baked, I know, but I'm tired right now. =P Anyway, check back tomorrow for another part.
