...Hey, didn't see you there. =D
So I'm just here right now, finishing up an assignment I have for my English class. We're reading our peers' essays and giving them advice on how to improve it for their final draft. The thing about the due dates in this class is that they're due a minute to midnight on the due date. Hence, I have three and a half hours left to do it.
So this morning I had precalculus. We had a brief quiz on plotting graphs and formulating tables with a select formula and I was able to get it down quite quickly because I have a graphing calculator and of course, I can understand it pretty easily. And also, I got an assignment back that I turned in some time ago, and I got a perfect score on it. Awesome. =D
Then in the afternoon I had my engineering class. We were listening to the other groups give a presentation on their model vehicles I talked about the other day and explain how they would function to the rest of the listening group. My group had made a good amount of progress and everyone is on track to meet the Monday deadline. And then I met with one of the instructors and found out that I am a pretty good group speaker. =D
And continuing the animated movie streak I've started as of late, I watched Up a few minutes ago. The movie was quite good and I really recommend it.
So that's all I have for now. I don't have any new questions and if you read this but don't send in a question... Do it! You know, it'll make this more entertaining to read. =P
With that, have a nice day.