FZeroBoyo / Member

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This Blog Comes on Friday

Yeah, I'm mixing up as many titles as I possibly can. =P

So it's Friday night now. YES! I had only one class today and that was precalculus. I went in and took notes on an assignment that is due later and I finished all of my work for submission early tonight. I haven't said this before but math has always been my strongest subject and I like doing it.

So before that, I went over to a nearby Blockbuster Express kiosk this morning and I rented the movie How to Train Your Dragon. It was quite fun but not the best movie I've watched this week. The order of that would be:

1. Monsters vs Aliens

2. Shrek the Third

3. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

4. Up

5. How to Train Your Dragon

I'll happily keep up these movie marathons. =D

Once class was over, I got onto the shuttle that goes between the campuses here in Mesa and I went over to Tempe to meet with a success coach as is required to maintain a scholarship. In other words, meeting this person means more money for school. =D It was quite fun to go out that way.

Then I got back to my dorm and the power was out for an hour! In fact, you're lucky you're getting this blog tonight because my Internet was out for a while too. However, something really crazy and awesome happened: I asked for it to return, I imagined being back online, and I felt how it would feel to do so. I opened my eyes... AND MY CONNECTION HAD RETURNED. It was mind-blowing. =D

So there you have it. I am working on drawing more things into my life that way now and I'll certainly enlighten you on the process as time goes on. Now to close out this blog, I have one question submitted by MightyBFan25...

1. What classes are you taking at college?

Well, that's easy. I have...

- ASU101: An introductory course to campus life here at ASU.

- EGR101: My intro to engineering class where we learn programming languages and how to construct computer code.

- MAT170: Precalculus, we do a lot of high-grade math here. =P

- ENG105: Advanced English, we do reading and writing here naturally.

- PHY101: Physics, it's a science class with lectures and an experiment lab.

Five classes, but each is an average of three hours a week to make up a total of fourteen credit hours each week. i.e. I have fourteen hours of class each week and double that time for outside studying. =D

So there you have it. I shall talk to you tomorrow...
