FZeroBoyo / Member

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You Stole It?!?

This is a short Mighty B! story I decided to write. It's based on a video I saw on YouTube some time ago. =)

(Chelsea, Portia, and Gwen are sitting in a car. Chelsea is driving.)

Chelsea: Alright, Portia, why do you want me to drive you to the mall?

Portia: Cuz having you drive me around is a lot better. Besides, Mommy said you have to.

Chelsea: (growls)

Gwen: Hey, where did you get this car?

Chelsea: It's my uncle's car. He works with the police department and I'm using it...

(A police siren flashes behind them.)

Chelsea: Oh, dang it...

Portia: (notices the car is speeding up) Uh, Chelsea? Aren't you supposed to pull over?

Chelsea: I'd rather not. I didn't exactly take the car legitimately... (makes a sharp turn and shakes off the police car)

Gwen: Whoa, wait, you STOLE this car?!

Chelsea: I didn't steal it! I borrowed it...without asking...and without telling anyone about it. I didn't think they would notice us.

Gwen: Well, maybe they did because it's THEIR CAR!

(The car turns onto a different street and they see three police cars in front of them.)

Portia: What're we gonna do?!

Chelsea: (veers the steering wheel and the car makes a very sharp turn.)


(A few hours later... The three are walking out of the police station.)

Gwen: Well, getting arrested was fun.

Chelsea: And that I got my license revoked and all of us have community service for the next two weeks...

Portia: And we never made it to the mall...

The End!

...So, what did you think? I'll be writing more stories as time goes on. iHasta luego! (That's "see you later" in Spanish.)