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Your Wednesday Blog/The Random Game Part Six

Hey there. It's Wednesday, the middle of the week.

So today I had precalculus and engineering, the former was reviewing for a test on Friday and the latter was a test. The test took a while to complete but it was quite easy, so I'm confident that I've gotten a good grade. =D

I don't have a whole lot to talk about, so let's get onto the next part of the Random Game. =D

Now if you chose B...

You and Bessie both started backing away but both bumped into two identical men behind you. Clearly, there was no way you would be getting out and Mr. Adler scoffed, "You know what to do with them." Both of you yelled out as you were pulled off to an uncertain fate...

And for those who chose A...

You both follow Mr. Adler down a hall and come to a room full of factory workers. There are loads of these strange masks on the walls. "As you can see, we manufacture all sorts of goods for Halloween here." You both look around and see that there is apparently nothing suspicious. After a while, you both thank Mr. Adler for the tour and let the building. "Well, it looks like nothing is up with this place." You begin, but Bessie frowns. "I don't know, didn't you see all those weird-looking guys in there? They all looked the same and acted sort of... bland." Then, the factory bell rang, signaling the end of the work day. Sure enough, you were on the tour for a long while. "Wait, I think we should check out more of it..." Bessie suggests, you sigh but agree. "Well, what do we do now?" "We have to hide until they all leave." Bessie says, as you both look around. You see that there is a wall you can crouch behind or a garage that you can hide in. Where would YOU hide?

A. Behind the wall

B. In the garage

So there you go. Check back in tomorrow. =D
