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Trying Something New

All I hear about EA is that they don't try anything new. They just recycle old games and spit them out year after year, like the sports franchises. Most of these complaints come from critics and such but when i hear a fellow gamer complain, I begin to wonder, for two reasons, First why is it soo bad to release a new title each year? and second when a new fresh title is released, why does no-one really buy it?

This isn't just about EA though, many other companies do the same, they release recycled games, but even when these games are redone and in a good way, those that do not play them still say the same, though they would lash out if another person were to insult their company. It makes me wonder why, sure personal taste free speech, but if you don't know about something, should you really say something? My answer is a solid no. I have always played EA sports games because that is what I was bought and what I bought, but I never insulted 2K games because I didn't know anything aobut them, and I have always enjoyed the new game each year, because sometimes they added new gameplay, new graphics, things like that. I never got mad at spending that money each year because they always delivered something new, now if it was the same game, I wouldn't be playing it because even when I was young I knew some stuff about good games and bad games.

Now that whole paragraph was about setting up this one, people complain when EA does this, they release a sports game for many sports each year, yet we all buy them so we encourage it. But when a game like Mirror's Edge comes out, a new type of game, something DIFFERENT from EA, we shun it, we don't buy it. Is this because of reviews? I don't think so, I think no matter how much we complain about the old, we don't want to try the new. Mirror's Edge really changed my perspective on First Person games, because it was soo different. A new setting, a new hero, a new type of gameplay that didn't focus on killing, but running and jumping. That to me is a gutsy move by EA and a great one because they showed what they can do. I was thoroughly disappointed when it didn't do well, but as I said, no matter how much we complain, we stick with the old, and it's not a bad thing but it's not great because we may lose a great game. I'm reminded of Phsyconauts (a must buy btw) and it not doing well because it was DIFFERENT.

So next time you want to complain about a game being unoriginal, or just being recycled, remember Mirror's Edge and how the entire gaming world, didn't give it the chance it so richly deserved. But if you did buy it, thanks :P

And EA does recycle alot of games, but hey, no old games means no new games. Go and try Mirror's Edge, and Phsyconauts, who knows you might just find a great game you'll want to talk about.

Rumarios vs WoWsers

I know thats a terrible name but it gets the point across if you understand it. Mario + Runescape= Rumario... WoW + Bowser= Wowser... Now onto my rant...

It has always been this way with these two games. They can't peacefully co-exist, that is true. But i want to try and end some of the bloodbath. Ok WoW players, you do have better graphics, better control and more things to do and all, but how much do you have to pay per month? AFTER already buying the game, expansion packs and all that, it costs alot more to be a WoW player then a RS player, and do you know why WoW has better graphics? or can be bigger? Cause its on your HARDDRIVE... that allows so much more space for data. Runescape is pretty much ALL through the internet and you only need Java (which is free btw) to play it that is two points for RS for having a good effect on your wallet, and not taking up hardrive space (i only have at MAX 12 gigs so i know how to worship these games) Now RS isn't a great game, that's true, i've played it for years (same with WoW) but it just doesn't cut it for me the way WoW does. (+1 point for WoW being interesting) and the point and click thing does get old. But how many WoW players started their MMO career playing runescape, its a great game to start playing when your new to MMOs because it teaches you grinding, skills, how to interact with other players before going into something heavy like WoW. (+1 point for RS being nice to the newbs) But alas WoW realy takes every other point, because well it IS a better game, i said it, BUT don't brag about the graphics because they only exist because you had to shell out $20-40 for them. Try not to start these wars.

Halo universe

Ok I've been warry about writing this because i havent read contact harvest yet. But ive just seen to many "theories" that don't match up with the books.

Now in the first Halo, Keyes says "We made a blind jump, how did they?" blind jump meaning random coordinates, but in the books Cortana pouts in these coordinates knowing SOMETHING is there from the stone of Cote D'azor (or however you spell it). Now some people theorize that Master Chief has the ability to go back in time thanks to his suit or something. This is not true. They got to the halo in the first jump, they meant to hit it. His "luck" is luck, skill, and fate i would presume. NOW there is something to do with time and the crystal from Reach. It warps time, as it allowed what took the MC more then a week to accomplish, it took less time for the Spartans on Reach. So a week may have equaled 3 days (i forget the exact amount or i could be backward but im sure you get the idea). This happened so the Spartans could meet up and get the crystal. It also warped slipspace. It allowed them to travel at a faster speed than ever before as a jump that wouldve taken weeks took hours.

Now onto Onyx. Onyx is a shield world from the 'sword' and the 'shield' plan that the forerunners came up with. When it was first created i think that the slipsapce portal was already open till the rings fired. To know if any foreruners were inside this prtal (or those cryo pods) is unknown. Now the world itself is made up of Onyx the crystal that is shaped into large buildings, the main part of it that is underneath all that onyx are sentinals, trillions of them. Different from the Halo ones, because these are for a different purpose im sure.

Now onto Forerunners themselves. I have also heard that humans are not humans but Forerunners. I'm sorry but this isnt true. For if they are Forerunners, where is their advanced knowledge? Now the Forerunners came to Earth to "catalog" us. But they also deemed us worthy to inhereit all the wrought. We along with every animal were moved to the Ark. (Noah's ark? saved them from the Flood?) After the Forerunners activated the rings they somehow got back to Earth. As far as we know all Forerunners died in the Ring Firing, unless some are in Onyx. The Reclaimer title we have i think is to Reclaim the technology, OR reclaim the Mantle (a very important part of Forerunner society). I also think that as 343 says, "You are the inheritor of all they left behind" "You are forerunner" Now this probably caused conflicting issues. My theory is that either Master Chief is actually a descendant of the Librarian (or Eve, for the Librarians home on Earth was called Eden) and Didact (Adam, Didact lit the rings to purge the flood and was the Librarians mate) but this is highly unlikely though not impossible, or he 'Reclaimed' the Mantle and became forerunner.

Now onto that ending of Halo 3, the legendary one. Now 'Smart' Ai's like Cortana have an operational lifespan of 7 years, and her's could be longer because of hope, or shorter because of all the information of the index, and having that time in space to think. Now the world you see, it could be in another demsion, it could be across the universe, it could be anything you want it to be. But as you see there are Forerunner glyphs on the surface indicating that it is a Forerunner world. (or a world form marathon though bungie has stated that the security officer is not directly related to MC though MC is partially based off of him.) Now it could be onyx, i doubt it but it is possible that when the portal closes and half a ship makes it, there is a fail safe to send it to the shield world.

Alright, that is all i have for now, ill keep updating if i can remember some more or i find some more stuff out.

The Fanboy Wars

Ok heres a rant, fanboys, everyone says "im not a fanboy" well im sorry to break it upon you but you are... just maybe not of a game company. But this one is about game companies, Sony, MS, Nintendo. It's just all fanboys blab on about how "This game rocks, cause its exclusive" then when it goes to a different platform but still remains on yours most of you complain itll be poop. Now not saying you shouldnt be a little bit frustrated, but not to the extent of saying "im never buying the game", "ill never buy a game from this company again". Its ridiculous, who do you think your hurting? The game studio just made thousands more dollars (and that is what all companies really care about, though some more than others) so I dont thnk they care if a few people dont buy their game. Sorry.

Now, onto Sony fanboys first. Do not compalin about the 360's overheating, red ring of death thing anymore and dont bring it up in an arguement. Its pointless, because not all of them do that or have done it. And just to show you guys how about that update awhile back? the one the froze alot of ps3's? Sony fixed that and so is MS on the ring of death.

Now MS fanboys, boy do i love these guys, they are my own. I do favor MS over Sony, its true, but ill be fair here. MS fanboys, please please shutup abot ps3's games. Sure they dont have a great selection, or many AAA titles, but they're coming, and though those titles that are out may not interest you, they may interest others, and dont think the 360 "roxerzz" more because we stole ff13... so what? it means a wider addience can experience the game. It was a business decision more than anything remember that Sony fans. Remember too, that our exclusives may stay exclusives for awhile but that doesnt mean they wont port them, so shutup about exclusives cause later they might bite you in the bum.

Now im proud to announce, i havent really run into too many Nintendo fanboys, the few i have argue that the graphics rival the ps3's and the 360's, now im sorry, but they dont. They really try hard to, but they dont. Games look different on the wii, and not better different,

Now, im sure you all are gonna have a comment or two i forgot, post them, MS, Sony and Nintendo fanboys alike. Im just tired to see all these people go at it because of pieces of metal and plastic. Its stupid, i wont stop the war. I am not the chosen one ;). But i can try too. This hopefully will inspire some of the fanboys to not start up the war, if they dont see a comment they like. So please, keep the comments clean.