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The Fanboy Wars

Ok heres a rant, fanboys, everyone says "im not a fanboy" well im sorry to break it upon you but you are... just maybe not of a game company. But this one is about game companies, Sony, MS, Nintendo. It's just all fanboys blab on about how "This game rocks, cause its exclusive" then when it goes to a different platform but still remains on yours most of you complain itll be poop. Now not saying you shouldnt be a little bit frustrated, but not to the extent of saying "im never buying the game", "ill never buy a game from this company again". Its ridiculous, who do you think your hurting? The game studio just made thousands more dollars (and that is what all companies really care about, though some more than others) so I dont thnk they care if a few people dont buy their game. Sorry.

Now, onto Sony fanboys first. Do not compalin about the 360's overheating, red ring of death thing anymore and dont bring it up in an arguement. Its pointless, because not all of them do that or have done it. And just to show you guys how about that update awhile back? the one the froze alot of ps3's? Sony fixed that and so is MS on the ring of death.

Now MS fanboys, boy do i love these guys, they are my own. I do favor MS over Sony, its true, but ill be fair here. MS fanboys, please please shutup abot ps3's games. Sure they dont have a great selection, or many AAA titles, but they're coming, and though those titles that are out may not interest you, they may interest others, and dont think the 360 "roxerzz" more because we stole ff13... so what? it means a wider addience can experience the game. It was a business decision more than anything remember that Sony fans. Remember too, that our exclusives may stay exclusives for awhile but that doesnt mean they wont port them, so shutup about exclusives cause later they might bite you in the bum.

Now im proud to announce, i havent really run into too many Nintendo fanboys, the few i have argue that the graphics rival the ps3's and the 360's, now im sorry, but they dont. They really try hard to, but they dont. Games look different on the wii, and not better different,

Now, im sure you all are gonna have a comment or two i forgot, post them, MS, Sony and Nintendo fanboys alike. Im just tired to see all these people go at it because of pieces of metal and plastic. Its stupid, i wont stop the war. I am not the chosen one ;). But i can try too. This hopefully will inspire some of the fanboys to not start up the war, if they dont see a comment they like. So please, keep the comments clean.