Maybe this wont apply to some of u ppl but 4 the rest of us...i've been thinking. Games back in the day like The Aventures of Zelda:Orkirina of TIme or Mario 64 took a real long time to beat. I mean games back than took me about 6 months to beat but now like halo 2 and some other really hit games dont take to long to finish. Zelda took me about 1 year to beat and Mario about the same. Maybe cause game companies have a huge compition in the 21st century tan they did in the 20th. Nowadays games come out like every week but wen i was like 7, game companies made games like once every 2 months and they became crazy... and everyone loved them. To tell the truth i liked it back than more tan i like it now. Yea sure PS3, Xbox 360, and Rev r making ppl go crazy...but i would rather pick zelda tan halo 2 anyday. I bet tat the new zelda would take me less than 2 months...i dont no its just my this feeling i get. Dont get me wrong Oblivion and Ninga Gaiden r real long but tats just 2 out of billions of games. Sometimes i think companies just want to annoying gamers tat make these incredibly low rating video games just cause they got a couple extra billion $$$$. In the 1990s tat would be bullsh*t. U no wat we need now... a nice long single or co op player game with a incredible multiplayer fun like Diddy kong racing or Super Smash bros. (even though tat was not very long there still some charaters tat r hard to get)
my rabbit
<('.')>,^('.')>, ^('.')^,<('.')^,<('.')>
the kirby dance...skillz
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