Handheld isn't fading but unfortunally isn't being proper worked on either...The big "problem" is that the consoles and PC are being targeted by the big titles and gaming hits so the portable ones are getting either "reduced ports" or "spin-offs" that may not appeal for the audience.
Both portables are rather fresh in the market so give them about 1 year or so before starting to bash them for being useless ports, if in this time NOTHING at all came to light, then I guess portable gaming will be reserved to Android/IPHONY with Angry Birds and whatever else they toss at it.
What I mean is, we have a very saturated market that requires new demands, the big issue is how to supply them. It's very easy to mask glitches and alike using online options, but when it cames for singleplayer experience, few could really pleases the gamers as a whole. Releasing new titles about a good franchise is a good thing, but ONLY doing it is rubbish. But what can you say? It's profit over quality, but that's how capitalism works kiddos. And sorry about the multiply posts....I couldn't separate the pharagraphys efficiently.
C'mon, the producers and CEOs care so much about relying on a good franchise, that they forgot that the same formula ever and ever makes less for their own profit in the future. GTA for example, since the release in 2001 of GTA III(Before it the first two games of the series and a expansion set were most like a forgotten topside shooter with bad manners¬¬) VC and SA makes little improvements(VC makes a more solid car damage system and add flying vehicles; while SA add a lot of mini-games and make a gigantic map without load-times in-game, but after all only performance upgrades.), and the portable versions called "histories" didn't add anything at all, only makes the game portable(wich I actually enjoyed, but if you played one....you played both), the DS one breaks the wall bringing new interactions(Thanks mostly to the Stylus) despite the hardware limitations, but we all can see that only attracted for sure because of the different experience offered by the controls(or perhaps for those who couldn't/Didn't have another of the game port), AGAIN I LOVE GTA I'M JUST USING IT AS AN EXAMPLE.
Honestly. If there's something wrong with the industry is the lack of innovation in many franchises, as well a lot of letdown in many ports. DS for instance, it's an amazing portable, but it lacks good titles outside RPG's(I don't mean that aren't great non-RPG games, but it lacks it), instead they releas a bunch of Final Fantasies, Marios and lot's of franchises in a "spin-off" fashion, leaving much for the Nintendo haters to scourn.
Faithbringer's comments