Just yesterday I went down to Best Buy to buy Halo: CEA, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, and replace my broekn copy of Skyrim. I bought Halo and AC, but once again, Skyrim has managed to elude my grasp by not being in stock at neither Best Buy nor Walmart. Good thing is, they gave me a "Rain CHeck" so they'll call my house when it's in stock, then I just have to give them my receipt and I'll get it for free. Sweet.
Anyway, I haven't tried Assassin's Creed yet, but I've been playing Halo, and I've fallen in love with it again. I'm playing through the campign right off the bat on Legendary, because I want to get some of the new achivements. It's awesome to cycle between the 2001 and 2011 graphics to see what's changed, and the new skulls are a nice touch. Other than that, it's the same classic Halo we've known and loved for the past 10 years. Even the multiplayer feels classic too, even though it's mostly Halo: Reach. Still they've added a "Classic" playlist to cater to the fans that loved the original Halo: Multiplayer. There's no Armor Abilities, a lower jump height, and only classic Halo weapons (Pistol, Assault Rifle, Plasma Rifle, Shotguns, etc...) to make you feel at home. All of these are played on the remastered maps, so it feels familiar yet fresh.
Hopefully they'll have copies of Skyrim in by next weekend. They did have the Collector's Edition there, but I wasn't sure if buying it was a good idea. Does anyone have any thoughts on it? I'm wondering if it's worth it at all.