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FaizanXtreme Blog

2012 Another Awesome Year For Gaming

2012 Is Shaping up to be the another year to Remember for Gaming with many big name releases coming this year . From Mass Effect 3 to all the way to Star Craft 2 heart of swarm this is gonna be another awesome year for gaming. Here are the my top 20 games releasing after Q2 1. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Xbox 360 2 . Protoype 2 PC,PS3,Xbox 360 3. Dragon's Dogma PS3,Xbox 360 4. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier PC,PS3,Xbox 36,NDS 5. Max Payne 3 PC,PS3,Xbox 360 6. The Secret World PC 6. Darksiders II PC,PS3,Xbox 360,WiiU 7. Spec Ops: The Line PC,PS3,Xbox 360 8. Borderlands 2 PC,PS3,Xbox 360 9. BioShock Infinite PC,PS3,Xbox 360 10. Medal of Honor: Warfighter PC PS3, Xbox 360 11. Assassin's Creed III PC,PS3,Xbox 360,WiiU 12. Resident Evil 6 PC,PS3,Xbox 360 13. Guild Wars 2 PC 14.Halo 4 Xbox 360 15. Hitman: Absolution PC,PS3,Xbox 360 16. The Last of Us PS3 17.Far Cry 3 PC,PS3,Xbox 360 18.Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance PS3,Xbox 360 19.Tomb Raider PC,PS3,Xbox 360 20. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm PC

My PC and Me

My PC Or My Gaming PC To Be Precise Is Destroying My Career. A strange fear is eating me inside. Instead of preparing for Entrance Test to get admission In A top University I spend all day gaming on my PC .Instead of spending the money i save for months in a worthwhile way I Spend it all on gaming be it PC Upgrades, Games etc. I play each game nearly 5-6 times believe it or not I have completed 29 missions of Star Craft 2: WOL Nearly 9 times, everyday I sllep at 3-4 a.m I have no idea where I am heading I am illusioned. A strange fear is eating me inside:?