I've got a 4-0 Hamsa that i could max and trade. Also, it'll take you two weeks to "quit" if you plan on giving away all your stuff first. Dem new trade restrictions....
Done! I've sent a support in game as well. It may be a while before the "fixed" trading is back up though. If you're sincere about this, then thanks a lot~!
WTS/WTT a sektor, 3 foxes, and a berserker. Send me a trade with your offer, nothing completely unreasonable please. I will give lower prices for bulk. Also WTD 5AQ for 4HP. IGN: falar656
Just thought I'd say thanks for the trade,and good luck with all the Homs. I have no idea why you'd ever need so many, but whatever. Have a free unnecessary bump.
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