If any thing changes this might differ from my full product review but for any who are undecided on if they should buy here you go:
Fabula Nova Crystalis Final Fantasy XIII Review It has been 4 long years since the steller FFXII came out on the Platstation2. It use to be one year you would have to wait for a new FF but with the advancement of technology it became longer. The question on every ones minds was was it worth the wait. Here is your anser.
Final Fantasy is known for having the best graphics around and has become a staple for the series. In the present 2010 there is nothing like it. Flawless graphics realy set the scean for an epic story that will take days of straight gameplay. The game is linea but this is not a bad thing. There are explorable areas and if you don't look around you might miss a valuble treasure. Mini-games are few in number but still present around 7 chapters in you'll see a few.
The begining of the game is a six hour rush of action before it slows to ease you innto the story before speeding up till you reach your first town. Speach is handled two ways. Secondary characters or extras if you will will speak when you aproach but you can press X [or A on the X360] and speak with non-extras in the towns and cities. To talk about the towns and cities would reveal major spoilers so I wont. Suffice to say they are presant.
Music is fewer than previous incarnations but baeutiful none the less, voice acting is superb with difering acsents that help you to recognise a character from their voice alown where in some wonderful games like Oblivion the voices are not so diverse. Background noises like birds or machinery are toned down for easyer hearing andthe voices are higher than the music to help understand what they are saying.
Knowing what they are saying is a good thing because once you understand the ins and outs of the Worlds you will realise what a great story this game has to offer. Stories in all FF games are new and not passed on from the last one [with the exception of the X-2 spinoff]. How ever in the Fabula Nova Crystalis FFXIII series there will be three games based on the same mythology. Fabula Nova Crystalis is Latin for "tale of the new crystal" and will feature Versus and Agito XIII for the PS3 and PSP. The crystal in question is at the very heart of the story. A godlike machine that uses humans as tools or pets to do their bidding.
Battles are normaly the same in every FF game. But not this time. The battles are fast and explosive and are set at high pace giving you little time to decide what paradigms shift you want to preform. Paradigms shifting is used to turn your character from say a commando to a medic and diferent setups can be made so that when your character changes so will your team mates. Actions like attack can be linked so they are carried out in quick sucsesion but it increases the wait time for your turn. There is also a bar in the top right hand corner of the screen and when you have hit an enemy enoth and fast enoth it will become staggered and allow you for more powerfull attacks, how ever you have to be fast or the gage will go down. That is just a slice of the new combat system.
Graphics 10/10
Gameplay 10/10
Music 9.5/10
Voices 10/10
Story 10/10
Overall 10/10
DLC None