It's over. That was the second most horrific storm of my life. The loudest thunder burst was directly over where I live and shook the foundations of my home and some trees fell down!.The driveway flooded {didn't get in the door :)}and my nebour who we allow to use our spot left her convertable roof open. It was too dangerous to got out and fix the problem. So she had to watch from her door like me.The dust storm mixed with the rain storm and pelted down mud for the first five mins and I swallowed flying dirt as I shut the door. the Tempriture at the time was 38C or 100.4F with out fans it was very humid. Australia is in years 14 of our drought {its longer in other parts of the nation} and It hasnt rained where I am for about six months. Late Summer is normaly our wet season and before thre drought we used to have perfect wether cycles. If you want to visit AUS bring a bottle of water and another for us! :lol:
Thank you to all of my friends who wrote in :D I'm allright.