Falcon084 / Member

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We Are Not Racists!!!

Even though our two nations have all ways been friends. Right now Indian extreemists are calling for blood against all Australians becuase of the actions of one idiot who bashed an Indian student. Australia is not a viloent nation but like all nations we have our bigoted idiots, and criminals. Why blame a nation for the actions of one. I am from a family that is multi cultural one of my cousins is married to an Indian, and my ansestors were Irish, Scottish, German, English, possible african {unknown the family tree is hard to do(our family has facuralfeatures of black africans)}and I have American relitives. Australian companies are under attack from a haker who talks about extreemist retoric and I am glad I upgraded my anti virus software because they are going after soft targets.

Why the hate? :(