My friend had his mom go to gamesop to preorder two copies of BF:BC for us and the guy at the counter apparently thought that the open beta key giveaway was part of IGN, not gamestop... Keep in mind the person preordering the games was a woman in her mid 50's, so she had no idea what she was talking about when preordering and believed the guy at the counter about not giving away keys. She came home with 2 receipts... thats it. no preorder box or keychain thingy or anything else, just 2 receipts.
We ended up calling the guy at the store back and told him to enter our e-mail addresses in the computer for us to be eligible to receive the beta keys. I was reading a forum and a guy said that he had preordered his copy onlya few hours after we preordered ours and that he had received his key the next day at 3:30.
I have yet to receive my key and so am wondering, since they had keys to give away at the time of our purchases and that an incompetent employee screwed everything up, can i demand a key from gamestop?
All beta keys at this point from Gamestop have been exhausted. If you did the pre-orders on thursday there still may be a chance to get the beta. Any time after that you will not get one.
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