"Again, this is both a reflection of usage stats and how the online world itself has changed as the result of the influence of YouTube, Netflix, and others."
What in the fudge does Netflix have to do with anything? If there is GS or trailer download section on Netflix, someone please show it to me.
@cirugo It's actually a big deal to me. I'm a memory fanatic, and I absolutely hate it when I can't figure out what's eating up my free space. Stopped using iTunes years ago when I realized that putting pics on my ipod meant another copy (in an unusable format) was also being saved on my PC. That problem may have been fix/changed by now, but I'll never know.
@dogbert784 Can't be any worse than Capcom telling gamers not to get rid of their copies of SFIV because of a surprise when you picked up SSFIV and at the end of the day it just needed your save data to give you two new color choices.
@gufberg You forgot the most important thing you need to build a PC;patience to learn in the first place!! I've never built a "New" PC for myself, but I have pieced together or repaired PC's from various freebies.
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