If this is Suda 51 near "the end", what in the hell would Miyamoto throw at us if he left Nintendo before he retired? Not a dig or an insult, just a valid question.
"Harrison said he has an Xbox One at home right now and explained that being able to say "Xbox on" and have the system boot up and load his profile is a "very magical experience.""
It's been 3 years since Kinect debuted MS, and yet you've still failed to tell me why I can't do the same thing with a headset.
@Sefrix "A form Jan submits requesting the permanent transfer of a colleague to her office speaks of trouble in the Greenbriars' marriage, for instance, while the notes Sam has exchanged with her classmate Lonnie, packed as they are with humorous doodles and cracks about teachers, portray the developing connection between the two of them in a way that rings incredibly true."
@Darkfall_05 Didn't want Kinect for my 360, so I'm not going to suddenly change my mind about an updated version. You wouldn't happen to work at a Gamestop in SA would you?
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