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Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga Complete

I was sort of in a hurry to beat this game, because I wanted to play the "Mario & Luigi Partners in Time" game.  I had bought the game and I placed it unopened with my other games, but I had read a review saying that it is sort of the sequel of the "Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga".  So I bought that game and beat it.

I think the game lasted around 20 hours.  It wasn't the best RPG for the Gameboy Advance, and had nothing on the SNES "Seven Star RPG".  Their was some funny tidbits in the game, but nothing that really could bring me to burst out laughing.  I didn't like it all that much since you played through the game with only 2 party members, even though it was an action-real time rpg in a way.

I mean, it was sort of like the "Seven Star RPG" with how if you timed your button presses right, you could do extra damage with an attack, dodge attacks, and in some cases counter attacks.  While it was enough to keep slightly interested in the battle you were in, it wasn't enough keep you addicted.

Maybe, I am too uptight, but there were some scenes that were so wacky, that it didn't make sense and I didn't like that.  I am more of a traditional RPG player I guess.  I mean instead of Magic, they had "Bro Points" where as long as you had enough points and both bros weren't unconscious or stunned, you could initiate a combo type move with the brothers together, which involved a series of well-timed button presses for more damage then you could do alone in one turn. 

However, overtime you will master it quite well and realize it is the best way to defeat enemies and it will get quite old..

I also didn't like the "bonus xp" where a roulette appeared everytime you leveled up and depending on how much points you had in certain skills, would determine the range in number on the wheel.  For instance, if you choose to use the bonus XP for Power (strength) a roulette bar will pop up and start spinning.  Sometimes with the number 1-5.  Naturally everyone wants 5, but its often the times you get 1-2 that you feel kinda scammed out of your points, even though it is just luck.  If you were real stingy about it, you could save before you level up and keep trying till you always go the max number. 

However, it the enemies aren't tough, so having the best XP probably would make the game slightly too easy, but the battles seem to drag on later on, probably because you have to pay attention to battles you already know how to win, but you have to let the battle sequences take place so you can dodge and counter every single battle, no matter how small.

It isn't a terrible RPG, and if you are a Mario Fan, like simple (linear) RPG's, and laugh easy.  Then this is the game for you.