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RuneScape Accomplishments

I haven't made a post about my RuneScape character yet.  And I kind of want to, before I die.  Since it is an MMORPG that can't be technically beat, I can only list what I have accomplished.  Keep in Mind that the max level in all skills in RS is 99 and the XP to reach that mark is 13,034,???xp.

This is mainly to make me feel like my time and effort wasn't wasted, especially since I started playing in RS1.

Character: Super Majin

Attack Level: 99

Defense Level: 99

Strength Level: 99

Hitpoints Level: 99

Questpoints: 190 (Max at the time of this post)

Combat Level: 122 (Max is 126).


My Pure Account (from years back) is a Pure Plate.  Which is something that can't be done anymore.


Both have Bunny Ears, Sytches, and all holiday drops which are non-tradeable so far.  (Except my pure missed the Zombie Head drop).

I stopped playing the game when RS2 was launched as I did not like it.  Too much had changed, and those that started playing, mostly did it for the graphics more then anything else and seemed very immature about many things and didn't realize how much easier skills were to level up, compared to how hard they were in RS1.



A player once told me, that all RPG's and things in life can be accomplished if you keep at it.  Many people look at those who have achieved those skills and say "it is only because you have played longer".  While this isn't always the case as you can level up by playing "smarter and not harder" as their are certain spots are more logical for XP then others, yet others don't take the time to do their homework and just hack-slash everything they see thinking all XP is the same. 

But, what is most rewarding about playing RuneScape for so long and having a good character shows that even though their have been rude people.  Unfair things, updates, and events that have happened that may have set you back.  You didn't give up.  Maybe taking a break now and then, but never giving up on yourself or the desire to reach that long term goal.  While many will never understand what it means, there are those few who do.  And that will have to suffice and as long as you know the reason it doesn't matter. 

 Sure it is just a game, it is just data.  But to some it is the legacy of the effort they put into their character.  The time put into it, the people they have met and had unforgettable experiences with on the other side of the world, they would have never met otherwise.  Perhaps, the sacrifices you made in real life is what got so far in the game, which could have led to a sad state in life, but a "god-like" status in the game.  Life is about balance and sacrifice, so whatever your decision it is up to you if it was worth it or not, but either way you deserve what you get.  Maybe your character is a symbol for those who had to stop playing for personal reasons.  Maybe their are one of a kind people you have met in the game that truely deserved more then they got, yet they couldn't continue playing because of an illness or financial reasons, and the people of the game will never realize what type of person they guy was, but you.  And you play for them, for what they stood for, believed in.

 It may be just a sign of the fact that goals are possible no matter how far they are as long as you are determined.  The day you start playing and are level with 3 with no money and all your stats are level 1 except HP, you wonder what it would be like to be the strongest.  If you kept at it, would it be worth it.  It is such a far away goal, when all you have is a bronze long and the only thing you can do is fight Goblins for GP.

I am sleepy and think I am done.  This way, if I die tomorrow.  Super Majin will not be an account never thought of again.  Remember, that it was a person who leveled those stats and not a bot.  It was years of off and on work that got him that far and often with some sacrifice (sleep, school, a life :P) 

Now I can rest with my head on Angel Wings.