@hybrenated: I'm Polish but I want to play in English, that's why :) And still be able to use OneGuide (which stops working after changing the region to US) and Kinect voice commands (which are not available in Polish as well). Store also stops working when you change your region. I just want to stay in Polish region on my Xbox One and switch just the dashboard language to English, easy as that.
With language region lock still in place in the console? Please! It's really annoying feature that makes the console hard to use if you want to have the dashboard in anything than your language. In Belgium for example dash is in Dutch, achievements half English, half French and I'm not sure about games.
Games for example in Poland are often released with cut languages (meaning only Polish and Russian for example in Diablo 3). Of course there's no in-game language selector. So if you switch your dashboard language to English (you have to set region to US also for that), the game defaults to Russian! WTF!
This is the worst console this generation as for now.
Fallen_Zen's comments