Well lots of things happening today on gamespot! New things coming to my blog called..YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS?!
I've Joined a Few unions and actually I'm enjoying them!
Theres this guy in Off-Topic that i had to report cause he keeps posting Disturbing Images..I reported him..It makes me feel great lol
Well I'm going to make a union soon and I need 4 co-signers..It's always good to get them sooner..cause atm im level 3 really..gamespot is fixing the glitch atm..Well I need 4 co-signers..Comment below saying you want to co-sign to co-sign! Thx!
YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS #1:I Hate when people hate gamespot and then all the sudden like them because they eithier doing something great or having no "Glitches" everyone is getting so mad at the glitches and i've heard people say this is Glitchspot..well you don't have to stay..you can leave!
Please come join the new union The Winter HellFire Union
Well I'm Level 3! Gamespot is Great!
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