@Serious Right on, I thought I was the only person who thought that. Most gamers realize the Nintendo was part of their childhood, I know mine was. And yes, PS3 and Xbox do feed my maturing taste, but I will always support Nintendo, and all consoles. Why? Because we're a gamers. :)
As impressive as this is, I think I'm going to get the PSVita. The two devices are almost exactly the same except for size. Plus, I think the PSVita's $250 will probably be a better bang for your buck, but I can't say for sure. As of now, I'm leaning towards PSVita, it just seems more playable to me. This is strictly opinion based.
this console was awesome, it still is, but this whole security breach completely changed the game. well i guess not, idk, i guess we'll have to wait. take the time you need sony
@Wormkid_64 many things could happen in the future, as both gamers and consumers we can only wait and assume, tho we could be possibly wrong, so far we dont know what to expect
@jackyuan222 so true, however, i dont think graphics are everything, but the wii's competitor have a larger hard drive than the wii. and i love failures, give ppl something to improve on, it is all about work. to there isn't improvements, they are so good at what they do, gaming. and we're still evolving
@tomb875 actually, there are some very good rpgs on the iphone, especially zenonia 2. it took me the length of final fantasy 7 to complete it. it was long and fun, though required a little grinding, like FF7
FamousCalibur's comments