Fanboy_Mediator's forum posts
OMG you can max Crysis on that at 3840 by 2160 on dual monitors!!!!!JakeTD21
finally someone checked the link, all these other HATERS cant see that Wii is just a FAD.
Games.Best Online.
complete package of diverse entertainment options (netflix, video games, free music downloads etc.)
The revolutionary Avatar system, nobody mentions how badly Nintendo copied Microsoft, its horrendous.
Price Drops
Microsoft Wins.
We beg to differ with you on that statement.
wth! thats a funny picture! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
but why would it object with the truth =( it must be lying.
Now we've all known for a long time that Wii's hardware isnt up to par
But this is just unpossible.
DS's new game set to hit stores this october entitled Chucky's Bridge: Massacre in Streetz, is miles ahead of Wii graphically.
Look it up, i cant post pictures because i'm a newbie, even though i have the heart of a 10 year VET.
As for PSP, no need to explain, whenever Crysis gets mentioned by PC fanboys, everybody scoffs nowadays, ever since HEAVEN VS HELL was announced.
now you see. DEAL
Hey Fanboy_Mediator. You ARE going to make a thread for the DS and the PSP, aren't you?
Make sure you treat each system equally. That includes the Mac of course.
I have no clue what you're talking about, i've just come on here to profess my undying love for Wii.
However if there are fans of other console electronics, then they should make topics for those as well...
Stop it.
I think i'm doing a great service to you all, i'm showing you the joys of owning a Wii.
Do you not BELIEVE in losing weight with Wii Fit?!?
I dont think you understand what you're getting for 250$, you're getting happiness in a box, there's NO OTHER WAY AROUND IT.
The online
The games
cmon now there's no way you could ever argue against Wii's online
in-game chat
just stop, you're making yourself look like a fanboy.
360 has in game chat, much better too, better friend system, same with ps3, downloadable games, demoes, movies, trailers, also a music player
u lie.
[QUOTE="Fanboy_Mediator"][QUOTE="TAKE_IT_BACK"]I think this guy is a fakeboy, and i second the thread making level idea.TAKE_IT_BACK
Only someone who hates Microsoft would think i'm a fakeboy.
360 = now and future
PS3/Wii = past
... Dude, just stop. Your not being funny.
=/ i never intended to be.
Console wars isnt a game.
this is serious business.
Oh, and that PC would not run the games you listed, and has no monitor.SpruceCaboose
wow, the fanboy is strong in this one.
How will it not run the games i listed if it can run the united states AIRFORCE.
just, stop.
I know its dumb to even post, but even being a fakeboy troll you should realize the Wii comes with a game.SpruceCaboose
sorry but i'm HARDCORE!
i dont play that BABY stuff.
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