It's a big sign that there is something wrong with America when the right of free speech and expression is being undermined by congress every other tuesday.
The founders didn't make the 1st amendment to protect our right to talk about the weather...
Oh for those saying Civ 4 is much better than Civ 5... Civ 4 had 2 expansions and NUMEROUS patches to make it what it is today. Civ 5 even though it is a new engine is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than Civ 4 when Civ 4 just came out with no expansions or patches.
@Garcardo You don't need to download the game if you have the disk... Unless you're tech illiterate... not meant to flame but just saying. I'm sorry steam is one of the easiest software programs I've ever used, and I truly feel sorry for you if you can't figure out how steam works.
@meleekill989 I get all my parts from . I built my computer roughly 3 years ago, costed me 1200 bucks for monitor/desktop/mouse/everything. I would only costed me 800 for the desktop. Even though its been over 2 years, I haven't had to upgrade and can run basically every game that has come out on high or max with no problems. The bulk of my costs was my Q9450 quad core and my Ati HD4870 which costed me 500 bucks, but was worth it because these two components made my computer future proof till this day. I still can't see myself upgrading anytime soon since my over 2 year old quad core still allows me to run multiple programs like a champ. Anyways, is an awesome site. They have tons of user reviews that give you a good idea what you're getting yourself into before you buy the product. Also the shipping is fast and they have tons of sales/rebates going on all the time so its a good idea to check the site frequently to grab some steals.
PC gaming has always been cheap. For as long as I can remember you have always been able to build a decent rig for 500ish bucks... if you want a top of the line, it costs only 800-1200ish The problem is it requires you to build a computer and not buy a premade you. Building a computer is easy, requires maybe 5 minutes of google and an average intelligence... The problem is 50% of people are below average, and a good portion of the other 50% are too lazy to find the parts and build the damn thing. This means a majority of people don't build their computers and then proceed to the complain on how computer gaming is too expensive.
There is something seriously wrong with these benchmarks... has one of the most in depth and honest reviews I've seen so far. Gamespot has been getting careless and lazy. They should have immediately known something is wrong with their system when a single hd4870 outperforms the hd4870x2 in CROSSFIRE in crysis!!
Hmm I did do my research... hd4870 beats 260gtx in all aspects. 280gtx isn't even its competitor since the 280gtx is $450-500 and the hd4870 is $250-280. for around half the price of the 280gtx you only get only around a 15% performance drop in most games, and in a few games the hd4870 actually performs better. Also the Nvidia's 9xxx series don't even fit anywhere since they suck so bad for their price, their only buyers are mindless nvidia fanboys willing to pay more money for an inferior product. Like I said before the ati hd4850 and hd4870 are THE best AFFORDABLE single card solutions for gamers that play at 1680x1050 or less resolution. I personally own a hd4870 and I can play crysis, call of duty 4, world in conflict, C&C 3, company of heroes, and anything else I throw at it with no problems. I can play every game except for crysis maxed (4xAA 16xAF) at 1680x1050.
I used to be a huge nvidia fan until they released the steaming pile of sh!t called the 9xxx series. The 9800gtx+ was suppose to be midway between the 4850 and 4870... it couldn't even beat 4850 in anything yet it was more expensive. I game with 1680x1050 resolution and the ATI hd4870 is the BEST gaming solution. I'm going like WTF when I see people sli GTX280 for 19-22 inch monitors. The ATI hd4870 at $250 price point has absolutely no competition. It beats the 260gtx hands down, and can sometimes even beat the 280gtx in a few games. Simply put the hd4870 is the best bang for the buck for the 1680x1050 or less res gamer. Getting anything else besides maybe a hd4850(they're really cheap) is just pointless and a waste.
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