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#1 Fancelot
Member since 2005 • 76 Posts


Not a debate but just curious if your definition of a RPG a game where you predominately focus on made up statistics and randomly generated items, and complex stat allocation system?

Because if it is, I can technically say what I work with in spreadsheet apps are "RPGs"

As for me an RPG is simply well a Role Playing Game, you know, a game where the main focus is for the player to play a role thus RPG, role playing game... bah forget it.

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#2 Fancelot
Member since 2005 • 76 Posts

anyone else having trouble reading this?

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#3 Fancelot
Member since 2005 • 76 Posts

"Dumbing Down" if applied to any other industry would be like going from manual steering to power steering or going from rotary phones to touch tone... or going from text based interface to a GUI.

It's hilarious that gamers take pride in enjoying mechanics that are usually clunky/outdated/archaic and in general not fun just so they can feel intellectual superiority to the masses.

IMO, role playing games in many aspects are deeply rooted in tradition and many mechanics to me makes no sense. Why must your character lug around an inventory that would overflow an modern day van? Why when you sell your items they only go for .00001% of the price the merchants sell for thus forcing you to lug around a van worth of loot in order to get anything out of? Why must characters level at all and at each level gain a set amount of hp/mp/energy and become exponentially stronger in stats at the end. I mean most RPGs leveling systems almost feels like you're playing a Dragonball Z character and not a real relatable hero where feasily you can only say get 50% or twice or so stronger at the end.

Anyways I thought Oblivion was decent... with mods.

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#4 Fancelot
Member since 2005 • 76 Posts

Good to see I'm not alone when it comes to this.

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#5 Fancelot
Member since 2005 • 76 Posts

Freespace 2, Independence War 2, homeworld

God I miss the space genre... =(

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#6 Fancelot
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Baldur's gate 2, planescape torment

RPGs you should be able to run no problem

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#7 Fancelot
Member since 2005 • 76 Posts

Just curious what you think, but before you vote let me present both sides of the coin.

I know most of you guys are like "UBISOFT EVIL!! DIE!!! RAWR!!", but I've noticed something interesting the past couple weeks so hear my case.

I've been following one of UBISOFTS newest releases Settlers 7 which uses its perpetual online authentication system. It has been out for about 2 weeks, and guess what? It still has not been cracked... pretty much unheard of this day and age when most releases get cracked and leaked before its release date.

Reading through the torrent boards of Settlers 7 almost feels like a whole bunch of druggies wanting their fix. "Is crack out yet?" "Where's the crack?" "Anyone know where the crack is at?" lol its hilarious.

However sadly legitimate customers are suffering too, even though they are a minority. It seems like many paying customers not based in the US and canada have trouble connecting or staying connected to the servers in order to play.

I can almost, just almost forgive ubisoft, just to watch the pirates cry.

I don't know... I hate DRM, but I equally hate pirates, both are destroying my most treasured hobby. Ultimately though I'm pretty sure the pirates will win out... hell on one of the boards, a person had to like reformat his computer twice due to some nasty bugs he got from fake crack exes just to play a mediocre $50 game for free... now thats what I call dedication.

Sigh... it saddens me that it has come to this for I have and always will be a PC gamer having experienced the joys of modding support, dedicated servers, etc during the time when my console counterparts thought Golden Eye split screen was revolutionary. Anyways just curious at what you guys think of this whole ordeal.

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#8 Fancelot
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morrigan... cone of cold spam... profit.

Anyways, get stuff like petrify, glyph of paralysis, mass sleep, waking nightware, force prison... etc, etc and the game is cake.

Oh yeah, almost forgot my favs, waking nightmare, and blizzard+thunderstorm combo... lol so much fun.

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#9 Fancelot
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God I hate MW2 and halo due to now a majority of gamers are bred on the impression that guns are actually lasers and anything less than laser speed and precision = bad or aged shooting mechanics.

Anyone who's shot a rifle or seen someone shoot at even a range of 100 m with fast reaction time, can notice a lag.

I mean it's hillarious going to a Bad Company 2 match with half your team as recon yet no one can kill anything since they are straight out of MW2 and never grasped the concept gravity and bullet speed.

Also in regards to shooting mechanics of crysis, I personally thought they were great since they took into account bullet speed (though no bullet drop).

Anyways curious of what you guys think. Do you guys prefer the lasers or more realistic bullet mechanics?

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#10 Fancelot
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Seriously even mentioning Blizzard as innovative/creative means that you know nothing about gaming.

Blizzard is mainly responsible for 3 IPs, Diablo, Starcraft, warcraft, now tell me how many new IPs have they developped in the past 10ish years? ZERO.

Also 2 of their 3 main IPs are complete rip offs from Warhammer universe that has been around since the 80s.

Starcraft is a rip off from Warhammer 40k

Warcraft is a rip off from Warhammer fantasy.