It leaves him in a very bad place. Still using the blades on a GK run.
Starky mah boi, have you taught this kid nothing?
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It leaves him in a very bad place. Still using the blades on a GK run.
Starky mah boi, have you taught this kid nothing?
MrEmpirical had a classy showing with the BoO no doubt but BH is a useful tool for the translator fight.
When on a rampage don't bow cancel, CR cancelling will give you more bang for your buck.
At trhe risk of sounding a little conceited you are approaching the fight wrong. Fleecing for knockbacks will only take you so far. Loiteringf around near the translator will only cause trouble.
AB slap to interrupt the summon. kick a dog at the Translator *after this point is where control is "lost"* Luring plays an important part, you are the main target, it takes a couple of seconds for the enemies to target the translator.
You gotta find what works for you. With GK you can go balls to thwe wall and go for early priest kills.
I spent about a month on the fight TMNUR. With GK the fight was a breeze. I raped it hard and fast with out even trying.
GKPAIN *with distractions* was ITRO 3-4 months. Once I was familiar it took a couple of days at it. OPnly now do I consider myself PRO at this fight.
Get thee to altTUGOWU where we can speak more freely.
Empirical has a newer Translator vid that may be relevant to your interests.
Also you know where to find the good stuff on youtube, dontcha...
finished B:AA a while ago b ut Alucards says my trophies tell a different tale....
Been fapping around with the GoW3 demo for a while, gotta het a vid out of my system *tonight* then it is back to the Pantheon of Atropos. Gotta seal that deal in one sitting because the save point is ass.
Can you say pontless puzzle? I bet you can...
good point, we can be a little thirteenthirtysevenish about tactics when you can easily scrape by with more basic methods.
That said, SoD raep tiem continues...
I showed up here for this?
Meh, time for a joke.
This guy was walking home from work and he heard a knock, knock, knock sound.
As he increased his walking pace the pace of the banging increased.
He looked around and saw that one of those boxes that you bury people in was inexplicably following him.
It might have been a sarcophagus, I'm not sure, I'm not an expert on burial boxes.
Anyhoo, all the way home this box followed him, matching his pace. Near the end of his journey home he was sprinting.
He thought he had left the funererial paraphanelia behind him and bolted his front door.
Trying to shake the events of the day from his mind the man relaxed in front of the TV with a nice cool beer.
Midway down his pint his front door exploded inward and the burial box bore down upon him. Fearing for his life the man threw his beer can at the animate box but it made no difference.
The box pursued him around the front room *picture a benny hill style chase scene if you will* the TV remote, the lamp and several cushions all had no effect upon the seemingly possessed final resting place/worm farm. Whatever the man could throw at the sarcophagus it just shrugged it off and continued its mindless pursuit of him.
Running out of projectiles and seeking sanctuary the man ran upstairs. Throwing his umbrella, that was in its usual stand at the foot of the stairs, had no effect on the relentless pursue. Upon reaching the upper floor the man thought he was safe but then
the burial box began ascending the stairs, fearful of his life the man hid in the bathroom frantically searching for weapons.
Hefting the porcelain lid of the toilet cistern the man thought he had a weapon to take down the burial box with. He hurled it with all his might and landed a direct hit but the sarcophagus kept on advancing towards him. He then flung the bathroom mirror but still the box edged nearer to him.
In desperation the man ransacked his bathroom cabinet and found a bottle of Benylin cough medicine, he threw it and the coffin stopped.
Thank you, thank you, i'm here all week.
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