I totally sympathasise with what you're experiencing dos4gw82.
I too dislike being pitted against a group of clan members in a game where they have the advantages of teamspeak. It is true that they're not doing themselves any good because their opposition are just random players who, without the advantages of teamspeak, are disoriented in comparison. This makes their method of play ridiculous because they're not doing their skills any good as when it's time to use what they've learnt against another clan who also uses teamspeak, they won't have the experience.
I do believe it is unfair and a form of abuse by clan members when they play in this manner but because there's no real way to stop these unfair advantages, they're able to keep doing it.
Admins of gaming servers can be anyone. There's usually no long list of prerequisites that would require them to be highly educated and experienced. For example, they'd usually only have to be a friend of someone's or perhaps they were chosen because they have an allegiance with satan (which im sure is the case with many an admin). Because of this, they come in all shapes, sizes, ages, races and genders.
With that in mind, if an admin bosses you around and abuses their priveleges, you will always know it was because of that poor process through which they are elected that has, with this particular individual, obviously allowed a total moron to be made an admin.
This being a common occurence online, it's unfortunate but there's usually lots of servers to play on so finding one provided by decent people shouldn't be too hard.
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