Fat_Boy_PT's forum posts
im playing it right now. its ok but im not loving it. the shooting is weak and the cars handle badly. The climbing the buildings after playing Assassin´s Creed 2 is a joke in the saboteur, really, terribly boring mash a button til the top. The game has a nice style with the black and white and PAris but its pretty much it. Oh and the stealth is also problematic, you just try to run around circles that represent the nazi´s focus of attention, if you´re in disguise you have to move extra slow, and you´ll usually just get bored and go in guns blazing after a while. Not to mention the game´s mission´s are not very long and then you have about 1300 things to blow up which trust me gets old quickly!
Dude unless you´re talking about online, SCIV is not hard against the AI. I really really suck at fighting games, mostly button mash and i can win 80% of the matches against the AI on hard! But anyway, try MK Vs DC which is pretty easy too. I wouldnt really recomend any street fighter game though, street fighter imo doesnt mess around, its hard, always has been and especially Virtua Fighter 5. It will hurt you, bad lol
Ive finished about 2 thirds of my current gen´s collection. Ive got about 15 or 20 games on hold, i buy way too many games, i have a problem i know. Another problem i have is collecting sutff, meaning i never sell my games and i sometimes enjoy replaying them after a year or two, on easy, just for fun. I just replayed Stanglehold a few weeks ago. I also like to look at all my games, their boxes and stuff. So anyway, when i finish them, i put them on the shelf lol
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