I finally got by 360 back and it works great. Well minus the freezing a couple of times, but that is really negligable, because is was probably due to the fact that I had the power-brick in an enclosed space. I will be able to play it tonight for about and hour and see if I can get another member of the Blacklist out of my way. I finished Fight Night Round 3 on Saturday. It probably took me about 4 more hours on saturday, so a total of around 10-12 hours of gameplay to beat the entire career mode and get all of the achievements is not that bad. I will try my trick in the upcoming week to see if it will work. I doubt that it won't work, but you never know.
I will finish Need for Speed Most Wanted, and from there I will do my best to get as many achievements that I can get. I will make sure to get the rest of the achievements for Madden 06. I will try and get the achievements for DOA 4 and then probably sell it on eBay as it doesn't seem like a game that will last very long with me. I will not try and obsess and get every achievement for every game, as that is unhealthy, but I really do want to try every game atleast for a little bit. I will keep Perfect Dark Zero after I do some more achievements with it, but I certainly will not get all of the achievements as that is just ridiculous. I will then get to play some GRAW. I have been looking forward to playing that game for some time, but I want to get some achievements out of my way first.
Later gamers.
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