I want to take a momment to thank Bioware for making some of the most fun and addicting games I have ever played. From KOTR- Jade Empire- Mass Effect series, Bioware has made a great series of games that I love playing. I hope they continue making new series of games and giving users the options to be good or bad and develop relationships amongst characters.
Favreinpurple Blog
Difference between IGN and Gamespot
by Favreinpurple on Comments
IGN and gamespot respectfully do the same thing. Review games, give hints, allow users to discuss games. Let me focus on the message boards of IGN and Gamespot. From my personal experiences of each, I would say that IGN's boards are better organized and give people an easier way to create topics and ect. On the other hand, Gamespot is easy to use in its own right allowing people to simply search for the game they want and begin discussing it. Each serve a purpose, while I find gamespot to appear to have more users as topics last a very short time on the first page here, IGN doesn't allow you to easily find what topics you posted. I enjoy having the "My posting history" tab that allows you to easily find where your topics are. Now, I need to get to the way each goes about punishing users for bad behavior. I have been banned from IGN many times and some of them were rightfully so, but many times you are accused of "trolling" when your honestly just trying to talk. Once you establish a bad reputation within an IGN community, you are constantly harrassed/ prosecuted before doing wrong. Another words, if you establish a bad rep on IGN don't be prepared to get any respect from anyone. I strongly advise to make an account on IGN and not tick anyone off. Or try not to as the people are very picky with anything you say. Now, if you are "banned" on IGN you cannot post on any message boards. This I somewhat disagree with as generally people are only going to be checking a certain board or a certain game. Gamespot, on the other hand handles bans differently. If you get banned on Gamespot, you were a pretty big idiot for lack of a better term. They will not allow you to post on that particular board ever again from what I know. Now, this is a good/ bad thing as well. I disagree not letting people come back on a board ever. It definetly disapointed me on more than a few occasions while on the Mass Effect, NCAA football boards. I also see the good in this as it allows you to still post things on other boards which a user should be able to post. Overall, I think I would prefer to post on IGN, but have an account on Gamespot because you are able to personalize things and have a contribution in other ways. Posting is a little easier on IGN, but the moderators are way too harsh. Overall, I recommend having an account on each website. Go to gamespot for specific games and use IGN for the bigger games. Each way you get what you want and have a chance to discuss games.
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