Sworder, you are smart, I'll give you that, something that is devoid in about 99.9% of people out there, you do research, good job. But I do research too. Now I will not pretend that I have read every post here, especially every post from you, but one thing, "480i/p and even 1080p runs at 30 fps"... Where did you get that? My Samsung LCD HDTV has NO problems running 480i-1080p at 60+ fps. It's true, and it's definitely noticeable with how smooth motion is. I researched the hell out of this stuff for years, and I chose the HDTV of choice for my ps3/blu-ray/computer. The only thing my HDTV doesn't have is HDMI 1.3, and until ps3 has a firmware update allowing deep color, there is no need for an HDTV to support it that I can see. My HDTV does the RGB range at Full, and it is beautiful. 12.8 billion colors adds a noticeable difference, one that everybody can tell, even one of my semi-colorblind friends can see it. But my HDTV runs 1080p at 60fps no problem, as long as the game supports it, or the movie. And yes, I have seen it with my own two eyes, and yes, I have compared it to things running at 30fps, there is a huge difference.
Chico129, Guess what. You are wrong about the cell processor. The XBox360 is the weaker processor. By a lot too. Wanna know why? To use all 3 of the 360's processors requires a lot of an L2Cache. Guess what it has? a 1MBL2Cache. Just one. Failure on Microsoft's part to realize that if they want to run multi-threaded games, which is what you'd be using 3 processors for in games, they need a much larger cache. PS3 has more than enough of a cache advantage, also just because it only uses 1 power PC core doesn't mean that the others won't work fine for their purposes. Also the game does look a lot less impressive than I anticipated. also I have superb eyes, and I am looking at it through a top of the line screen, a 40 inch 1080p lcd hdtv, no ghosting, great contrast ratios, and over 800 colors for every 1 most of you are looking at. That tv will show you the imperfections in things like never before. ps3 looks great on it, the 360 doesn't. Probably due to the 360 having to compress so much stuff to fit on a dvd9, and to have to use a compressed video signal. Oh well, most people out there are not videophiles like myself. Still though, the game's graphics will almost definitely not be improved, so don't be putting in too much faith for a better looking game. the water also looks good, but not superb. I honestly was disappointed with the way it looks, but I'd need to see a HDTV video of it being played to comment on collision detection, framerate, and movement of characters. That being said, those things are important, but the real improvement I'd like to see this generation is more things happening independantly at once, and the 360 isn't the system for that. also I need everything uncompressed. I choose the ps3 for that. But the main reason why I choose the ps3 is the games. both consoles look good, but I expected more out of this game than this. On a side note, the cell will take a long time to blossom into it's full awesomeness, but when it does, it will have a very large performance increase that the 360 just is incapable of doing. Sorry, but it needs more of a cache. But the video cards on both consoles are great, enjoy what you want for the games, some of my favorite games have horrible graphics. But if you are honestly concerned about the image quality, and if you think you can tell the minor details (especially if you have a top dollar HDTV like me to play your games on and sit close enough to see the problems) ps3 will be the one for you. But if you care about games, which is what you should be worried about, go whatever suits you. But for image quality, I choose my ps3. I can back up why too if anybody honestly thinks I'm wrong. but that is why I emphasize on the games, and I am a Final Fantasy, Star Ocean type of gamer, so ps3 was my choice since Final Fantasy XIII was announced for it.
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