I dont think its an issue of Metroid games getting good ratings I think its Wii games getting good ratings. No one is expecting for GS to give it an low underserved score because its a metriod game but because its a Wii game.CADWALLADER
You know, I own a Wii and I enjoyed Twilight Princess. Other games? Not so much. Allow me to let you in on why. The Wiimote is an amazing idea in theory, but so far, in practice is has come up short. The Wiimote is often unresponsive, or it responds differently than people expect it to. I'm basing this not only on my personal experience, but on the experiences of my friends.
I can't count the number of times I've been playing Wii Sports (especially Golf, and almost as bad is Tennis) that the Wiimote has just not responded right. Examples: We swing the Wiimote but the golf character doesn't move, and vice versa.
I think part of this problem is that it was marketed as this innovated motion sensing device. That may actually be true, but many games so far have limited what that motion sensing is capable of. If I'm playing a mini-game where the point is to pull the Wiimote back and forth as fast as I can, the software shouldn't limit the speed. If I'm playing a game where I'm supposed to be swinging a sword, the software shouldn't only allow 3 different swings (I'm sorry, holding my Wiimote in one place and swinging it left and right is not any more immersive than pushing a button).
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of the Wii, but it feels like the few games that are available for it haven't done what the hardware promised. And that fact may lead to initially low scores until the software gets it right, and hopefully MP3 is that software.
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