mmmmm... Steam Machine with a GTX Titan and a 4770... That's good stuff... I wonder how much that model would cost. I know if I pieced one together it'd be somewhere close to $2k.
@btbrotherton @Feedbackula You were correct in doubting my original comment. Like I said, I was being a little bit too enthusiastic. I'm really excited to play this game.
@btbrotherton @Feedbackula Agreed, but it'll be fine. I may have been a bit more enthusiastic about my "60 fps or better" comment but I'd still be looking at a high framerate. Not to mention the 780M getting those sweet driver updates from Nvidia increasing performance with games noticeably. It'll be awesome.
@ZombieGuyGeorge Well, there's no one that can actually build a $500 PC tower that will rival the XBONE and PS4, immediately. Microsoft and Sony are both massive companies able to buy things like high powered GPU's in bulk at a significantly reduced price per unit, which is why these new consoles will be available at the price points being given while also sporting some pretty nice specifications.
If I'm not mistaken, I've read some rumors that the AMD GPU in the new consoles is part of AMD's 8900 series, which hasn't been released yet. Granted, for a PC, one 8970 will probably run somewhere around $400-$500 on its own. Going back to my previous statement, Sony and Microsoft can afford to have such hardware in the new systems because they can buy it in bulk.
My new laptop will out perform the new consoles, but I'm not even going to mention what I paid for this mobile workstation.
I don't even know if what I'm saying is completely applicable to the point you're making, but I just wanted to throw my two cents out there too. There's no one single average Joe/Jane that can match the specifications of the new consoles at a $500 price tag at the moment. Who's to say a year from now, though?
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